 That lovely picture is of this morning’s harvest or if you will the product of my foraging, as I got them from a location I didn't plant intentionally. That is about 3/4's of a gallon of blackberries in one morning! They are being frozen until the season is over and I have some rose hips, then I am making some jam and maybe some syrup.

It made me think though, as I had help after I had gotten 2 pints already on my own by at first my youngest... then my oldest and then finally the middle child. I -LOVE- fresh blackberries, not as much as fresh strawberries; but hey nothing adds up to them.

To me there is nothing better than putting into my mouth a blackberry just off the bramble that has exploded into my hand from being sooo ripe. Sweet with a lite bitterness that comes from natural sugars. I did pause this morning when I tasted a particularly sweet one, with a moan escaping my lips. As oddly, considering modern life I prefer my sweets in the form of berries now. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolate... but it's just not the same.

I think many kids and adults miss something good when they don't eat something freshly picked, like fruit. It has it's own flavor and it's very unique. To me most of the processed sweets have all the same flavor, and it's missing something.

The other part that I was thinking on is how my kids pick berries. Had I handed them my berrying bucket and sent them out I'd have been lucky to get maybe a pint. ..and the thing is it would not be because they were eating while picking. Part of it is they don't seen them all on the brush. They also want to find the “perfect” berry. It really made me think when I realized that, as I just finished a book about primitive man(novel) and how they lived and that included gathering food.

If my kids had to rely on what we had found to eat.. they would wind up picking more of them. My youngest admitted that, so I told her then just think that way and we'll have tons of berries to make things with. One or two blemishes mean nothing, and partly dried out? Come on, people pay tons of money to buy dried fruits; pick them yourself. It'll do you some good to be out in the sun enjoying the fresh air... and grins getting covered in berry juice! It's an old family pastime, that I think needs to be revitalized.

People use to spend whole days going out “berrying”, and they'd bring a picnic lunch and the dessert would be the fresh berries with sometimes some home made cake. To me that sounds much better than going to the store and “foraging” for a nice looking package of berries. As that is what you are doing when you are in the store turning the berry packs all around to check every angle until you find just the right one that looks to be “perfect”. WOW.. I just realized where my kids' idea of perfection on berries comes from. As if you don't do “perfect” on ones in the store you are likely to have rotten berries.

I don't know if any of you remember seeing an older orange commercial a number of years ago from the orange growers. It had a woman explaining a ripe orange isn't always fully orange, which tech if it's green it's not ripe... but the point is most people have no clue what “ripe” is... I certainly don't know what a ripe wild blueberry looks like. So I am learning that, maybe true ripeness should be taught to all people; most of all children.

I hope everyone out there gets to experience the freshest of the season!

Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...

This is half of my "horde" of green bush beans that I'm growing this year.  Aside from maybe 3 plants having slightly yellowed leaves everyone of them is very healthy and in flower.  I actually think they are putting out secondary flower stalks.

I am hoping to get lots of beans from them, I will try canning some.  I know I cannot eat commercial canned veggies as they make me ill, so Silver is hoping/thinking that home canned I could.   The thought is that maybe it's a preservative in them besides being too soft that is the reason for it.

I seem to have also issue(s) with over cooked ones as well so we are going to try raw packing them.  who knows maybe they will do well and I'll be able to eat them.  If I can't the kids and Silver certainly can.

Last year I had tried growing pole beans and I was sorely disappointed.  That's why I am doing bush beans this year.  I have grown "Blue Lake" bush beans for almost forever and I know they'll produce.  This year I am determined to have a good harvest from my garden.  As I said I do have my Tiger's Eye beans growing up front, we will see if I can get them to produce this year and if I can we will just go with those as they are also a dry bean.  Pinto style, which for us means chili.

This is one of the many cabbage plants I have growing, and this is one of the remaining three that I myself started.  I had started 6 of the Early Jersey Wakefield, but after some four-legged lawn mowers went through I only have maybe three of these and the red cabbages I bought.

These green ones are a tad behind my red cabbages, as the red ones have been heading for a few weeks and the greens have only been for about one week.  I am really hoping to be able to harvest them soon so we can have some cole slaw.  I love fresh cole slaw!

Oh pardon the picture quality as my camera is out of batteries and we keep forgetting to buy them so I used our phone to take these pics.

This is my volunteer squash, in flower (male flowers btw).  It has had I'd say about 8-10 flowers at this point and they have all been the "male" flowers.  I am waiting on the female ones to appears so I have a better idea as to what kind of squash it is.

Now like I said I think it's a Dark Star Zucchini, and next time I'll get a picture of those in flower as they are starting to get their flower buds now.  Which for me is a wonderful thing, I am hoping again that they produce lots of squashes for us.  

We got hooked our first year here eating for lunch a stir fry with two or more squashes in it and maybe some canned ham and a fresh herbs.  I really want to do that again, so because last year our squashes didn't do much past producing male flowers we didn't get any of those fun meals.

One other "Crop" that I am hopeful on is melons.  I love to eat melons and I have a wonderful recipe for a catulope jam that I made last year with half of a huge one that I bought.  I have some melons sprouting and .. considering I had tried some vine peach seeds, which at this point they all sprouted then withered.  I planted to see some of the melon seeds I bought last year.  I planted "Oran's melon" which is suppose to grow well in this state.

This is one of the two flowering heads on the one Elderberry that is blooming.  I do hope the other one blooms next year.  As you can see the flowers are starting to open up.  I am going to be watching this closely as I have no clue how long it takes for them to go from flower to ripe fruit.

I spent the early part of this morning doing the kids' early chores of feeding the animals (which in the summer they do).  I went out and took these pictures and I did a bit of pond digging.  Maybe I'll post some pond pictures next time.  A progression of what we have done so far.

I also checked my plants out and the Oran's melons are still very healthy, which is making me very happy.  i do hope they do well and we get melons, in some amount.  Even if we are overwhelmed by them.  I would not mind, because  if they do I'll just turn them into jam.

We've lost one of our chickens yesterday to I think a fox, and I'm wondering if maybe we've lost more than one.  As a number of days ago they had managed to get out under the fencing and there was tons of feathers all over their yard.  So after finding the dead one half pulled out of the fence and half eaten, I do wonder.

Well that's about ti for now.. I'm heading to wordpress and Blogger to put up updates there as well.

Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...


For those of you who have not seen my blogs on Blogger or Word Press let me tell you about us.  First I am 35 and a mom of 3 wonderful kids (yes my name rivenfae is fictitious, but I have my reasons) , my boyfriend is almost 53 and we live on 5.29 acres of land in the Missouri woods. 

We moved here in April of 2010 and have had quite an experience.  We started off in a tent and having to haul our own water from a neighbor's house.  Let me tell you living in a tent is fun... until you do it for 6+ months with 3 kids.  After about 4 months we had our power hooked up which required a $350 deposit here, so we had to manage to have that much money at one time to pay it out.

Before we had the power on and could use our deep freeze we had been only buying non-perishable foods to eat, which isn't as bad as you might think.  It does take some getting use to only using canned meats in inventive ways.  Oddly enough almost a year later with one of those "dishes" we are thinking of buying a few different canned meats to "recapture" some flavors we discovered we liked.
This is one of the "cook stoves" we had last year we built this one ourselves, all the metal on it was trash that was on our property.  We had gotten so good at cooking with a wood fire that when we moved into our current (not final) home a 12X24 shed and started using a electric stove we wound up burning our food a few times till we got use to -NOT- cooking on wood.

We are rebuilding this in a new location as summer's heat is horrible here for cooking anything, but we have learned a couple of things that will change how we do it.  The cinder blocks we used when they are repeatedly heated and then get wet when you go to move them after they will break.

As all homesteaders I have a garden, last year during our first year we just dug up and planted right in the ground.  However, we did get for free a truckload of composted goat manure that i later added to the soil.  i did learn things will grow in our very heavy clay soil.  Just very slowly and that we need to water it a lot.  So this year we have done a few things different, first the ground that got the goat manure is much better this year (no real surprise there), and all the amendment we put in; was straw once the plants were grown enough to put it down without choking the seedlings.

We have started foraging more this year than last i have over a quart of blackberries in my freezer right now waiting till the season is over so I can make some jelly/jam for the first time.  It will be a multi-berry as I do have a wild blue berry nearby and I have gotten the few I found there to the blackberries.  i am also hoping to add rose hips to it for vitamin C content.  I have also come up with a wonderful Lamb's Quarter wilted salad that one of my kids and Silver likes.  We eat that once or twice a week, people say they taste like spinach; I don't think so.  I can't place the taste either.

As i said we are now living in a 12X24 shed, we got it delivered back in October and my 2 girls sleep in bunk beds built into the wall, my son is in the loft and me and my boy friend have a "room" next to the "toilet room".    Our "toilet room" is just that our toilet is in it.  It is a saw dust toilet, if you don't know what one is here is a link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPg-n4czGE0
I am surprised at how well this system works and you don't waste any water or have to worry about a septic backing up.  We currently have a bath tub in a outdoor room in back that we use in warm weather (above 40 degrees).  We are working towards building 2 additions onto this shed.  One will be a better sleeping area for the kids and also a tv room.  The other will be a bathroom, in which we will have a flush toilet (yeah!) and a shower.  They will be built once we finish digging (by hand) our root cellar.Yes we are digging a root cellar and guess what...?  It's soo easy!  One of the biggest things that has helped is what we are using to "break" through the clay.  It is a bulb planting drill bit that eats up clay.  We put it on our masonry drill and it will tear right through the clay.  then we just shovel the clay out.  We have about 4 ft down to still go.  Right now I believe it is 8X10X2ft.  We need it just a bit deeper, which should be the easiest part.We are going to use all the clay we are digging up as well as we are going to build a cob-ish oven like this one:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lGTGUo6tyQ
Not quite that one but very close as we are going to use a steel barrel for the body.  I have a turkey in  my chicken yard that is going to be a bit to big for my current oven so we'll need the cob-ish oven.  When we put the addition on we will be using a rocket mass heater in it, this way we won't use any electricity for our heat this winter.  We used just space heaters last year and our power bill went very high.  For us wood is free so lets go with wood.So I hope you keep coming around to check us out here at Wolf Woods!Be Well and Blessed Be...